
The Fibonacci sequence was found by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisan or Fibonacci in 1170 A.D. The Fibonacci series was most often utilized in a negative or losing progression. Every number from the sequence equals a sum of the preceding 2 numbers. The sequence works in the same manner the Labouchere system works. The only difference is that in the later, the player initiates on a blank line.

How the System Works

Next, the game moves in the following way:

  • In case the starting bet is won, the sequence breaks.
  • There is no need to write the numbers then.
  • And, in case you lose the first bet, a line is drawn with a '1' being written on it.
  • The next bet is determined by the proceeding number of the sequence.
  • And, in case this bet is also lost then the number is added onto the line's end.
  • Similarly with every bet being lost, the number is added on to the series end.
  • When you win a bet, the last number from the series is marked out.
  • Example of Fibonaci System

  • You begin with a loss of 1 unit. '1' is marked on the starting line.
  • The next time you lose the bet, '1' is again marked on the line.
  • The third bet needs to be a 2 unit, which is also lost and a '2' is marked.
  • The 4th bet of 3 units is won and '1, 2' on the line is cancelled.
  • When you win a bet, the last 2 numbers from the line are crossed. This is because every bet is equal to the addition of the preceding two bets.
  • The next 3 bets are lost and the eighth bet reaches 5 units.
  • You win the bet at this level and cancel the '2, 3' from the series' end.
  • The 9th bet is again lost and the series becomes '1, 1, 2.' If you win the tenth, lose on the eleventh and again win the 12th bets eventually clears out the line.
  • At this point you need a win to score a net profit and you win the series.
  • With 8 losses and 5 wins (a lesser number of wins), the sequence may seem a little hard-hitting, but eventually you are able to pull out.

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